Husky Pictures

Husky Pictures

Corner of Owen and Sydney Sts.
NSW, 2540

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Location Information

Huskisson Pictures is located in the town of Huskisson, which is on the shores of Jervis Bay, approximately 180 km south of Sydney and about 200 km north east of Canberra.
The building was constructed in 1913 by the Dent family (local ship builders) as a community hall for their employees. The hall has been used as a Church, School, Library, Public Hall, Dance & Concert venue and Theatre. Movies have been screened here since the early 50’s.
In August 1990, the hall underwent major renovations to make the building into a permanent cinema. The exterior was left as original as possible with only a new roof, new entrance & exit doors and a coat of paint. The interior was completely refurbished, with new foyer, toilets, carpet, seats, curtains, sound and projection equipment. The surrounding grounds were completely landscaped with trees, garden beds, courtyard, paths and seating. The garden has won the “best commercial Garden” both in local and district garden competition.
Huskisson Pictures opens weekends and selected weekdays during the school term and every day during NSW school holidays (except Good Friday and Christmas Day) showing the latest releases and has a modest price structure.

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